ACM Kottayam Professional Chapter
ACM, the Association for Computing Machinery is the world’s largest educational and scientific society, uniting computing educators, researchers and professionals to inspire dialogue, share resources and address the field’s challenges. ACM strengthens the profession’s collective voice through strong leadership, promotion of the highest standards, and recognition of technical excellence. ACM supports the professional growth of its members by providing opportunities for life-long learning, career development, and professional networking.
ACM-W supports, celebrates, and advocates internationally for the full engagement of women in all aspects of the computing field, providing a wide range of programs and services to ACM members and working in the larger community to advance the contributions of technical women.
ACM Professional Chapters unite colleagues in particular geographical areas, offer the opportunity to gain immediate access to technological advances, and establish a personal networking system in the locale. The chapters host lectures by internationally known computer professionals, sponsor state-of-the-art seminars on the most pressing issues in information technology, conduct volunteer training workshops, and publish informal newsletters.
Office Bearers 2020-21
ACM Student Chapter | |
Chair | Abraham Philip |
Vice-Chair | Shana James |
Secretary | Nevin Koshy Daniel |
Treasurer | Asher Jose Sam |
Event Coordinator | Anilesh K |
2nd Year representative | Meghana Suresh |
3rd Year representative | James Sano Sunil |
ACM-W | |
Chair | Indulekha Mahilamony |
Vice-Chair | Parvathy E V |
Secretary | Maria Alex |
Web Master | Dana Rose |
Event Coordinator | Nivya Raj |
Events Organized
- LaTeX Typesetting tool 22-23/10/2019
- Online Interaction Lori Beer, Global Chief Information Officer (CIO) of JPMorgan Chase & Co, USA 5/11/2019
- Seminar on Cyber Security 16/11/2019
- Workshop on Compiler Design for Faculty ACM 17-21/12/2018
- Workshop on Networking and Cyber Security for Polytechnic Students-IHRD Polytechnic Mattakkara 30/01/2019
- Workshop on A Bird's Eye View On Cyber Security 27/02/2019
- Workshop on LaTeX 14/3/2019
- Workshop on PYTHON Summer Boot Camp for Higher Secondary Teachers 15-16/03/2019
- Workshop on PYTHON Summer Boot Camp for Higher Secondary Teachers 04-05/05/2019
- Workshop on PYTHON Summer Boot Camp for Higher Secondary Teachers 26-27/04/2019
- Workshop on Presentation Skils 22/08/2017
- Hourmony Hackathon '17 27/10/2017
- Workshop on LaTeX-Typesetting tool 07-08/11/2017
- Workshop on Technology Empowerment for Rural Women 07/05/2018
- CODE IT ' 16 26/10/2016
- Workshop on Cyber Security 10-13 May 2017
The Indian Society for Technical Education is a national, professional, non-profit making Society registered under the Societies Registration Act of 1860. First started in 1941 as the Association of Principals of Technical Institutions (APTI), it was converted into "Indian Society for Technical Education" in 1968 with a view to enlarge its activities to advance the cause of technological education. The major objective of the ISTE is to assist and contribute in the production and development of top quality professional engineers and technicians needed by the industries and other organizations. More info
Events Organized
- National Conference on Emerging Computer Applications (NCECA), one-day national conference from 2019 onward. More info
ICFOSS is the outcome of a decade of work by Free Software enthusiasts, advocates, developers and supporters in the state of Kerala and outside. Recognizing the strides made by the FOSS community in Kerala, and sensing a need to do more, the Government of Kerala, in 2008, had set up a Committee headed by Prof Rahul De of IIM Bangalore to recommend what further could be done to support the cause of FOSS. Prof De's Committee, after consulting the FOSS Community and its leaders, made several recommendations to the Government of Kerala, of which setting up of a nodal organization for supporting and extending Free Software activities in the state, at the same time linking with communities, developers, groups and institutions abroad. Given the fact that software is globalized, it was suggested by the FOSS community that this organization is international in character in order to enable ease of working with FOSS communities that span continents.
Events Organized
- Organized HacktoberFest AJCE 2k19 Meetup on 3/10/2019
- Organized JavaScript Basics & Basic Web Development using JavaScript on 24/10/2019
- Organized FOSS BASICS and PYTHON on 1-2, 15-16/11/2018
- Organized Machine Learning Study Jam 29-30/03/2019
Computer Society of India (CSI)
ComputerComputer Society of India is the first and largest body of computer professionals in India. This professional body emerged on 6th March 1965 by a few computer professionals and has now become the toast of the technology world among other professional organization. Now this prominent professional body coordinates and provides various services to all other student branches all over India. CSI offers various technical services like membership services, Publications, IT related Seminars, Workshops and Conferences helps in networking opportunities.
AJCE CSI student chapter at a glance
Computer Society of India is the first and largest body of computer professionals in the country. This professional body was initiated on 6th March 1965 by a few computer professionals and has now become the toast of the technology world among other professional organizations, it coordinates and provides various services to all student branches across India. CSI offers various technical services like membership services, Publications, IT-related Seminars, Workshops Conferences and helps in networking opportunities as well.
CSI- Student chapter of Amal Jyothi which belongs to the VIIth region was started on 25th August 2013.The AJCE branch includes 400 active members. The activities of the chapter are organized under the mentorship of the student branch coordinator Mr. Jis Joe Mathew and a selected committee of CSI student branch.
- Organised one day Workshop on “Career Guidance and Training Program” led by Mr.Nithin Chandy and Ms.Dona Sebastian of IBS on 18/1/2014.
- Organized a 6 day hands-on training cum workshop on Latex –Typesetting Tool. This workshop was organized for M.Tech scholars all over Kerala, and was attended by 175 participants from various engineering colleges.
- Two day workshop on “Vulnerability Assessment & Penetration testing” for M. Tech Students on 13th and 14th of August 2015.
- Department of CSE in association with CSI-COCHIN CHAPTER organized workshop on “Basic digital photography-megapixels” led by ULLAS KALAPPURA on 14th and 15th August 2015.
- Two day hands-on workshop on “Raspberry Pi 2” led by Mr. Noble Philip and Mr. Jerin Thomas on 18th and 19th March 2016.
- Two day hands-on workshop on “Raspberry Pi 2” led by Mr. Noble Philip and Mr. Jerin Thomas on 15th and 16th April 2016.
- One day hands-on workshop on “Raspberry Pi 2” led by Mr. Noble Philip and Mr. Jerin Thomas on 20th August 2016.
- One day hands-on workshop on “Raspberry Pi 2” led by Mr. Noble Philip and Mr. Jerin Thomas on 1st October 2016.
- One day Workshop on "Intel Galileo Gen 2-System on a Chip" on 04/02/2017 led by Mr. Tom Kurian, Department of CSE AJCE on 04/02/2017.
- National Technology Day Celebrations - Raspberry Pi 2 and Android Hands-on Do it Yourself Workshops on 20th February 2017. Classes led by Mr. Noble Philip and Mr. Jis Joe Mathew, Department of CSE AJCE.
- “Introduction to Hadoop” - a one day workshop led by Mr. Manoj Joseph, Department of CSE AJCE on 11/04/2017.
- The Department of Computer Science and Engineering in association with CSI Cochin Chapter and ACM Kottayam Chapter, sponsored by KSCSTE, organized National Technology Day Celebrations on 10, 11, and 12 May 2017.
- Specific contents of the activity
- Workshop on “Open Source Tools”, for BTech students of AJCE on May 10th, Wednesday
- Inter College Idea contest on “Smart Technology for common man”, on 11th May Thursday.
- Quiz competition on “Science & Technology”, for +2 students on 12th May Friday
- Specific contents of the activity
- Two Day Workshop on “Programming as Engineering” by Noufal Ibrahim, a very famous free software evangelist on 18th and 19th of May 2017.
- One-day Hands-On Workshop on “Raspberry Pi 2” led by Mr. Noble Philip on 26/07/2017 for students of AJCE CSE Department.
- Three day Android Workshop for the students of ECE dept led by Mr. Jis Joe Mathew CSE Dept. AJCE on 23,24 and 25th September 2017.
- Two day workshop on machine learning led by Team MadLabs for Students of S7 on 23 and 24th of September 2017.
- Five Day Hands-On Workshop on “Android Basics” and Hackathon on Android titled “Hackdroid” led by Mr. Jis Joe Mathew on 23,24,26,27 and 30th of October 2017.
- 2-day Hands-On Workshop on “Raspberry Pi 3” led by Mr. Thomas Mathew of Department of CSE AJCE for Students of CSE AJCE on 24,25th March 2018. Infinity Club AJCE in association with Department of CSE AJCE organized a “GIT Workshop” for final year students of Department of CSE on 28/3/18 & 3/3/18.
- "Introduction to Programming" a 5 day hands-on workshop by Infinity Club was organized on 13th - 18th August 2018 for First Year Students of CSE AJCE.
- A two day workshop titled “Design Thinking” led by Mr. Vineesh U S, from Wipro for Students of S5 CSE in view of their “Design Project” Subject on 1/9/18 and 2/9/18
- One Day Seminar on "Secure Coding and Info Sec" by Mr. Saksham Choudary, Founder, Learn Code Online, on 26/09/2018.
- AWS Lambda and API Gateway - 1 day hands-on Workshop by Infinity Club as a part of Infinity BootCamp
- Alexa Skill development Hands-on Workshop by Infinity Club as a part of Infinity BootCamp led by Mr. Bobby Issac and Mr. Johns Soney
- Web Development Hands-on workshop by Infinity Club as a part of Infinity BootCamp led by Mr. Pranoy Dev and Mr. Philson K Philip
- iOS Development Hands-on Workshop by Infinity Club as a part of Infinity BootCamp led by Mr. Rajat Jaic Mendus
- Android Development Hands-on Workshop by Infinity Club as a part of Infinity BootCamp led by Mr. Jis Joe Mathew and Mr. Seby Joseph
- Flutter Development Hands-on Workshop by Infinity Club as a part of Infinity BootCamp led by Mr. Seby Joseph