Startups Valley TBI undertakes the following activities to promote technology entrepreneurship
- Promote students to come up with commercially viable curriculum projects
- Equip students to create the start-ups during the study period
- Counselling for various possible investment avenues
- Online and Offline Campaigns to educate college students and the common people about available opportunities.
- Separate Web Campaigns and Online Promotions for creating awareness and attracting the potential candidates.
- Innovation promotional programmes for school and college students
- Organize innovation expos
- Provide laboratories, testing and R&D facilities and human resources for R&D developments.
- Financial support for school and college students for the development of innovative projects
- Awards for potential innovators
- Organize seminars/workshops for innovation and entrepreneurship.
- Organize special training programmes for college and school teachers
- Associating with various governmental and nongovernmental organizations for spreading the message and attracting right people for starting new ventures
- Technology development / up-gradation
- Prototype development
- Preparation of Business Plan (covering market, technology and financial attractiveness)
- Mentoring to Start-ups
- Patent Facilitation Support to deserving inventions.
- Enabling Technology Transfer
- Co-incubation with interested colleges
- Introduction to banks / venture capitalists
- Linkages with Technology & Business Institutions across the globe
Success Stories
- Fedbytes technologies (http://www.fedbytes.com) By Mr. Amal K Jose (MCA 2016-18 LE) and Mr. Binumon Joseph (MCA 2013-16 Regular).
- TNS Security Centre (http://www.tnsav.com) By Liyo Paul (MCA 2016-18 LE).
- Ace Logic, Mobility and Innovations By Mr. Donis Abraham and Mr. Billan Jacob John (MCA 2020-22 Regular).
- Cutesys Technologies Pvt. Ltd. By MS. Jinurani Sebastian (MCA 2012-15 Regular).
- Eloit Innovations Pvt. Ltd. By Mr. Abin Thomas Mathew (MCA 2012-15 Regular).
- Visual Magic Media Solutions By Mr. Joffin Jose (MCA 2013-16 Regular).
- Autonomous Technologies By Mr. Bibin Abraham
- Creation of Technology-Based incubates on continuous basis
- Help to create value-added jobs and services
- Introduction of Entrepreneurial culture to the students and common people.
- Create effective networking for the development of technology based start-ups
- Develop internationally accepted technologies
- Promote students to come up with commercially viable curriculum projects
- Create student entrepreneurs
- Create awareness about Technology Incubation and Commercialization of R & D products and processes.
- Promote small and medium industries.
The TBI will also be the beginning of a stronger industry-academia-consumer linkage where ideas can flow to and fro through the three stakeholder groups so that everyone benefits. The industry will benefit from technological developments initiated by the TBI as well as qualified students who have an innovative mind to join their workforce. Academia will stand to gain from its constant interaction with industry, and consumers will gain from the innovations that are rolled out through the association.